


Submit a Tip (Tip411)

Tip411 is a new tool to enhance public safety and increase the reporting of crimes when they may otherwise go unreported because the reporting party wants to remain anonymous. It is an internet-based communication system that gives citizens a means to quickly and anonymously report suspicious or criminal behavior and/or wanted persons.

Use this form to send an anonymous tip to St. Anthony Police Department, or to send an anonymous tip via text message to the St. Anthony Police Department, text the keyword SAPDTIP and your tip to 847411. Describe what you witnessed, and attach photos or videos.

SAPD reviews all submitted tips. We may respond through the system to request more information. Tips are entirely anonymous, and your contact information is not transmitted to SAPD.

Be sure to save/record your tip ID. You can use the ID to login to view feedback about your tip from the St. Anthony Police Department. Just enter the ID on the tip history page and any feedback about your tip from the group will display. You can then submit additional information using the tip form. The more information you provide, including photos and/or videos, the better the St. Anthony Police Department can respond to the crime.

Following up on a tip? To access your tip history please click here.

In an emergency, please dial 911. Tip411 is not a substitute for calling the Fremont County Dispatch to report any in-progress incident.

What is a Helpful Tip?

Not all ‘tips’ are helpful. To ensure that you are contributing useful information, be sure to include as much information as you can that answers the questions: Who, What, When, Where, and How you know. See examples of helpful tips below:

Not in-progress emergencies

Not helpful: "I need help now!"

Helpful: "I’ve seen one of your 'wanted' suspects frequenting the 123 Store this week."

Suspicious activity

Not Helpful: "I’m suspicious of my neighbor."

Helpful: "There have been a lot of strange cars and people at 1234 Any Street. Many people go in and come out of the house at all hours of the day and night and they are very noisy at night."

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Tips regarding suspicious or criminal behavior occurring outside of the Greater St.Anthony Area should be directed to your local law enforcement agency.