Ordinances & Resolutions
City of St. Anthony > Ordinances & Resolutions
NOTICE **** Every attempt has been made to ensure that these records are accurate, however, the records posted on this site are not the official record and may not reflect recent corrections or changes. Official records can be viewed by contacting the City Clerk. Documents are PDF format and require the use of a PDF viewer.
Codified Municipal Code
The Municipal Code Book has been codified and is available online. The information contained in these documents should be compared to Ordinances that have been passed by City Council since the last codification.
(Click here to view the Codified Municipal Code) provided by MunicipalCodeOnline.com
Many times each year the City Council makes changes to the laws of the city. These changes are approved by council, creating a new city ordinance and modify the Codified City Code. When passed, the ordinances become city law. When viewing the online city code be aware that the most recent ordinance is the law.
click here for City Ordinances
When the city council wishes to bring formality to a decision it is often done by passing a resolution. Anything from declaring support for a public project to setting fees and policies for city affairs can be adopted by a resolution.