December 4, 2023
The City plows the streets when there are two inches or more of snow. It is the resident's responsibility to move your vehicles off the streets, so they do not interfere with sno...

November 21, 2023
Starting November 1st 2023 thru March 1st, 2024 between the hours of 9 pm and 6 am, it is illegal to park any vehicle on the city streets. You can be issued a citation or your ca...

November 21, 2023
Looking for a good job with good pay and good benefits?? Then come to work for the City of St Anthony's Public Works Department. If you enjoy differnt challenges, improving your...

November 21, 2023
Make plans to attend the annual Christmas Tree Lighting on December 9th at 6 pm. The lighting will be held at the City Christmas Tree in front of City Hall. The Chamber and City...

November 18, 2023
It won't be long and we will be closing the citizen survey. If you haven't already filled the survey out, please take 15 minutes out of your day and let the City know what you th...

November 14, 2023
Your thoughts and ideas are important to the future of your city!!! Please us the link or QR code in the cover art. Click here to take survey.

November 7, 2023
Just a reminder, PLEASE log into the abover link or use the QR code to tsaker the City Survery. We want to hear from everyone who lives in St Anthony!! Click here to take sur...
November 6, 2023
Attached is the agenda for the upcoming City Council meeting. Agenda for 11/09/2023

November 2, 2023
The City is conducting a citizen survey to help City Leaders decide on important future issues. We encourage all citizens to take the survey. The link and QR code are in the cov...

October 28, 2023
Bright sunshine and cool temperatures welcomed a nice crowd to the Ribbon Cutting at Harry Worrell Toddler Park. Lots of excited kids and parents showed up to enjoy some candy, ...

October 25, 2023
October 28th, starting at 12:00 (noon), there will be a ribbon cutting, hot dogs and a trunk or treat at Harry Worrell Park to celebrate the Grand Opening of the St. Anthony Toddl...

September 13, 2023
Four people have filed for the three seats up for election on the city council this November. The four who have filed are:
Russ Rubert (Incumbent)
Audra VanderLinden (Incum...

September 9, 2023
The agenda for council meeting on 09/14/2023.

August 28, 2023
Notice of Candidate Filing Deadline City of St. Anthony, Idaho
Notice is Hereby Given: That the general election to be held in and for the City of St Anthony, Idaho will be hel...

August 21, 2023
The City of St. Anthony's new app is now live. You can use the app to stay up to date with events, city news , get notifications of snow plowing, road work, other infrustructure ...

August 21, 2023
The City of St Anthony Public Works Department is hiring. Knowledge of operating equipment, maintenance of eqipment, road maintenance and contruction all helpful but will train. ...
August 8, 2023
Notice Of Proposed Amendment To Comprehensive Plan And Zone Change Matthew Christensen